About MAARC and the Hobby

The Mid-Atlantic Antique Radio Club (MAARC) is a hobby club for those dedicated to collecting, restoring, and preserving vintage electronics. This includes radio, television, hi-fi, electrical instrument, vacuum tube, electronic test equipment, and tube-based audio gear.

When you consider that radios from the 1940’s were considered antiques when the club was established in 1984, what does that make computers and computer games from that era? Yes, MAARC members are now also dabbling in vintage computers, as illustrated in some of our recent club presentations.

Collecting vintage radio and other electronic equipment is a fun and interesting pastime that appeals to a variety of folks from the pure collectors who are looking for their next great find, to the technicians and tinkerers who like to restore the electronics or refinish cabinets, to the historians and preservationists interested in the history of the technology, to those who are into it as a small business. Many involved dabble in several of these areas. All enjoy the camaraderie of a shared interest. You will find vintage electronic equipment collectors to be a friendly and honest group that do not take themselves too seriously, while recognizing they are preserving a part of our heritage.

MAARC members receive copies of our outstanding Radio Age journal that contains excellent articles related to our hobby. For additional information about joining MAARC, go to our Membership Page.